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Golden Rules of Complaint Handling

As we all know that a complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction related to a service provided and where a  response or resolution is expected.

Universally, no one likes receiving a complaint but it potentially gives an opportunity to identify and rectify a specific issue.It actually  helps to develop a relationship with customers by allowing you to demonstrate that you value customer business, and that every issue will be dealt with seriously.

Few explicit points on how to handle complaints :-

Thank the customer for complaining

Consider yourselves lucky that the customer is prepared to give up their time and money to let you know they have a problem, instead of just walking away – consider it as a gift.

Say that you are sorry that the problem has happened

This is NOT an admission of guilt , rather it’s just good manners

Put yourselves  in the place of the customer

This will instantly give you  an advantage, as you not only will have more empathy with the customer, but also will help to review what went wrong in order to consequently find an effective solution.

Be Open to Negotiation

– Always Start with the view that

The customer has a valid point

to talk about – It is true that there are some professional complainers out there, but they are the minority

Correct the mistake

-Make sure that your definition of the right fix is the same as that of your customers; or overlaps it.

Learn from every complaint

Work towards eliminating faults. Wherever possible let the complaining customer know that they have helped you resolve a problem – they’ll feel great and come back again and again (and will probably increase their feedback).

Minimize reasons for complaints

Adopt a constantly improving culture to minimize the reasons that lead into complaints

Always respond

Make sure that EVERYONE who complains through any means whether on the telephone, by letter, or by email gets a quick and adequate response

Always remember that it would cost at least five times as much to gain a new customer than to keep an existing one. Addressing a  complaining customer should be the top priority. All that will embrace your organization’s vision, mission and value

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