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Baby Proofing Your Home



Baby-proofing your home not only gives you peace of mind, it also makes sure your child is refrained from dangerous items around the home. There are many ways to remodel and baby-proof to keep children of all ages safe. From expensive remodeling to quick and easy plugs, CLEANCO recommend you to consider the following baby-proofing options.

Changing the Paint :Older homes may have paint that isn’t safe for babies or children. Chipped paint is easy for small children to pick up, and can be hazardous. If you’re worried that your home may have lead-based paint, consider repainting to fix the problem

Fasten Furniture to the Walls :When your baby is a little older and crawling around, they’re going to start pulling themselves up on anything they can , to say  furniture such as bookshelves, dressers, and TV stands. To ensure your the safety of your child, you may fasten those pieces to the wall. If there is  any furniture in the home that could easily be pulled over, go ahead and restrain it.

Move Things Up :Do you have any items that are near the ground? Remember that as babies start to move around, they’re going to start grabbing at anything they can.. Make sure to move as many items as you can from the floor

There are many places in the home that you’ll need to ensure are safe for the new baby. As the baby grows, it’s always a good idea to reconsider to ensure that the home is still safe. Its is very important to child-proof accordingly when children start to crawl and walk.


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