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Delivering Great Customer Experience Through Employee Engagement


In a service industry, how can we design a system to deliver the Ultimate Customer Experience?

Recent studies shows that focus on Employee Engagement needs to be an important part of the solution.Engaged employees have often been regarded as the foundation and keystone of any successful outsourcing relationship

Studies have established that employee engagement is a strong predictor of outcomes such as efficiency, customer focus, service quality and productivity and profitability. In today’s economy and business climate, it is very important that organizations train employees to be energetic, motivated, and open to new ways of doing things to achieve ultimate customer satisfaction. Engagement influence service behavior and service behavior is a prerequisite for excellent customer experience. And, front-line service employee engagement correlates highly with customer experience.


To achieve this Employee should:-


By managing these areas, a service provider is more likely to improve the satisfaction of the customer, as these factors have a positive impact on the customer experience

Ultimately, “Happy employees significantly lead to Happy customers!!!!”



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